This documentary, made in collaboration with the District Magistrate and the Mining Department of Sonbhadra, highlights a remarkable initiative to boost dragonfruit farming in the district. It showcases how this agricultural transformation not only increased local production but also addressed the critical issue of child malnutrition, providing sustainable livelihoods and healthier futures for the children of Sonbhadra.
In our second documentary for Sonbhadra, we worked closely with the District Magistrate and the Mining Department to shed light on the innovative strides made in the education sector. This film captures how the district's educational institutions and colleges have been equipped with advanced technology, enabling students to learn more effectively and embrace the future of education.
In this compelling documentary for SAY Earth, we explore the profound impact of a CSR program that saved a village pond from extinction. The film beautifully narrates the journey of rejuvenating the pond, revitalizing the community, and significantly improving the villagers' lives through sustainable water management.
This documentary for Husk Power Systems delves into the heart of rural electrification. It portrays how Husk Power Systems trains its team of electricians to overcome daily challenges, ensuring consistent and reliable service for their customers. The film emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and skill development, which are pivotal in advancing rural electrification.
Our documentary on YUVA NGO showcases their remarkable efforts in providing top-class facilities and equipment to schools. The film highlights how YUVA is bridging gaps in education, health, and extracurricular activities, empowering students to achieve holistic development and prepare for a brighter future.
This insightful documentary for Prayagraj Nagar Nigam reveals the innovative approaches to waste management in the district. It showcases the technological advancements and systematic processes involved in handling the massive task of waste management, contributing to a circular economy and a cleaner, more sustainable Prayagraj.